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Alternative medicine

Embrace the healing power of nature and ancient Baltic traditions

Alternative medicine

healing powers of nature

Reconnect with nature and achieve inner balance on the shores of the Baltic Sea. Deeply-rooted traditions of the Baltic counties and the gifts of nature have been complemented by new expert knowledge and innovation, providing a wide range of alternate medicine treatments and unique local healing traditions.

Herbal medicine and local healing practices have been used in Baltics for centuries. Local herbal teas are widely used to treat digestion, cold and fly symptoms. The Banya or 'Russian sauna' is a traditional bathing ritual that has been proved to stimulate the immune system and help preventing and treating some illnesses such as laryngitis, asthma, virus as well as the overall wellbeing of a person.

Alternative medicine is a filed of medicine that falls outside of the mainstream healthcare. Modern medicine is largely focused on treating symptoms of illness whereas alternative medicine is aimed to treat a person as a whole and prevent any potential health conditions by promoting the overall wellbeing and health of a person. Alternative medicine can be helpful in treating certain health conditions or simply getting a sense of renewal and connectedness with nature. However, alternative medicine may not be for everyone. It is a personal choice and a matter of your beliefs. We encourage people to do their own research about alternative medicine and whether this is suitable for you or contact us for more information.

alternative medicine treatments
Homeopathic medicine




Osteopathy treatments


Chiropractic treatments



Herbal medicine

Bee therapy

Bee therapy



Nature healing

Nature healing

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