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Urology and gynaecology

Urology and gynaecology

Urology gynaecology consultations

Both urology and gynaecology are popular healthcare services and vital for the overall health of every person. In fact, it's advised that all adult women should do a well-woman check up every year, and all men after 40 should pay a regular visit to an urologist for the overall health check and prostate cancer. However, for many people this can be a sensitive and very personal subject, and this is why patients want to find someone they can trust. 
In Baltic states you can find a wide range of urology and gynaecology services provided by top specialists. State-of-the-art technology, experienced doctors and  latest innovations allow to perform advanced and less invasive procedures. The leading clinics successfully perform even the most complex operations such as robotic-assisted surgeries, laparoscopic procedures. 

Choosing the right doctor or a clinic can be overwhelming. It's important to make the right decision and find the right specialist for you. If you cannot find a treatment you are looking for on this page, please get in touch and we will be happy to help. 


Urology is a branch of medical that deals with diagnosis and treatment of male and female urinary-tract system and the male reproductive organs. Urology involves a wide range of clinical problems. The disorders treated by urologists include kidney, bladder, ureters, adrenal glands, urethra, urological cancer, urinary tract stones and the male reproductive system conditions such as prostate, impotence, infertility, testes, epididymis and seminal vesicles.

high-quality urology services

When should you consult a urologist?​

Your GP should be able to treat minor urinary tract conditions. However, you will need to see a urologist if you have persistent or severe symptoms that do not go away. You should see a urologist if you have the following symptoms and you are either male or female:

•  blood in your urine
•  a recurring need to urinate urgently
•  pain when you urinate
•  burning sensation and discomfort when you urinate
•  loss of blood control
•  urine leakages
•  pain in your lower back, stomach or sides (which can be an indication of kidney stones)
•  weak urine flow
•  cloudy urine

If you are male and have these symptoms, you should visit a urologist:

•  enlarged prostate
•  erection problems
•  a lump on your testicles
•  a decrease in sexual desires 

If you are female and have these symptoms, you should visit a urologist:

•  frequent urinary tract infections
•  urinary problems 
•  problems holding your pee after pregnancy
•  pelvic organ prolapse 

affordable prostate treatments

Urology treatments

✔ Endoscopic (telescopic) procedures:

✔ Diagnostic examination of the bladder (cystoscopy)

✔ Resection and ablation (destruction) of the prostate with lasers or heat

✔ Removal of bladder tumours

✔ Treatment of bladder and kidney stones

✔ Open procedures:

✔ Circumcision

✔ Vasectomy

✔ Hydrocoele (water on the testis)

✔ Removal of the prostate, kidney or bladder for cancer

✔ Removal of kidney for stone or infection

✔ Diversion of urine into a stoma (ileal conduit or bag)

✔ Reconstruction of the bladder following it’s removal

✔ Reconstruction of the urethra (water passage) after damage (urethroplasty)


Gynaecology is a field of medicine that takes care of female health, particularly the reproductive system. Gynecologists specialise in diagnosing and treating issues related to the female reproductive tract that includes the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and breasts. Gynaecology covers a wide range of services including menstruation, hormone disorders, sexually transmitted infections, fertility and obstetrics - pregnancy and childbirth. 

Wellwoman check-up

When should I consult a gynaecologist?

It is recommended that all adult female should visit a gynecologist for annual screening, which can include pelvic exam, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), cancer screening and other tests. Girls should start visiting a gynecologist from the age of 13 - 15 years or when menstruation starts.

You should see a gynecologist if you have the following symptoms or conditions: 

•  heavy and painful, or irregular periods
•  urinary incontinence
•  issues relating to fertility or pregnancy
•  menopause issues such as bleeding after menopause
•  family planning including contraception and sterilisation 
•  sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
•  benign conditions such as ovarian cysts, fibroids, breast disorders, vulvar and vaginal ulcers
•  polycystic ovary syndrome
•  smear test abnormalities
•  endometrial hyperplasia and cervical dysplasia
•  endometriosis
•  pelvic prolaps​

Gynaecological examination treatment

Genaecology treatments

✔ Hysterectomy 

✔ Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (TLH)

✔ Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy (LSH)

✔ Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy (LAVH)

✔ Fibroid Removal

✔ Laparoscopic Myomectomy for Fibroids

✔ Hysteroscopic Myomectomy

✔ Ovarian Cyst Removal

✔ Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy

✔ Treating Adhesions

✔ Laparoscopic Lysis of Adhesions

✔ Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

✔ Removing Uterine Polyps

✔ Hysteroscopic Polypectomy 

✔ Hysteroscopic Endometrial Ablation

✔ Hysteroscopic Sterilization (Essure)

Let's talk!

Still unsure? Feeling overwhelmed? Talking to a real person can give you the guidance and reassurance needed. You don’t have to do it alone. Let’s find the right doctor together.

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